Latest text reviews are available on resources Google and
The military novel appealed to the Center for Expio with complaints of high anxiety, irritability, depression, emotional instability, tension in the family, aggression towards themselves and others, which are symptoms of PTSD and depression. After treatment, his mental health and relationships have improved much.
In this response, Alexander's military reports about his condition before and after the treatment of PTSD and after. The course of therapy consisted of psychotherapy, blockade of a stellar nerve node, ketamine-vicious psychotherapy and propofool sedation.
Igor is a marine. He began his service even before the full-scale war. When the invasion began in 2022, Igor was in Mariupol — defending the city. At the end of May, together with his brothers, Ihor was captured, where he stayed until November 2022. After the experience, he went to rehabilitation in several hospitals, but he did not feel any psychological improvement. After a course of ketamine therapy at the Expio center, he began to feel better.
How psychedelic therapy helped a veteran overcome the effects of war, says the TV channel "Hromadske TV".
Lyubov Oleksandrivna tried to get rid of fibromyalgia (chronic pain syndrome) for twenty years. Unfortunately, it was not very effective, so she developed a depressive disorder. See her testimonial about how the course of treatment at the Expio clinic helped her.
Military Oleksandr turned to the Expio clinic on the recommendation of a fellow soldier with symptoms of excessive excitement, tension, emotional instability, and poor sleep, which are typical symptoms of PTSD. After a month of treatment, he feels better than before the war.
Nataliya Karpova, deputy director of the Expio medical center, talks with military officer Dmytro after the end of a one-month course of treatment. "I did not expect that there would be such a great result in such a short period of time," says Dmytro.
Yuriy turned to our center after prolonged ineffective treatment of chronic pain syndrome in other medical institutions and depressive-anxiety disorder that developed against this background. After a course of ketamine psychotherapy and the use of our other methods, the patient not only got rid of pain and mental disorder, but also improved his personality.
Our American Patient Mark talks about the results of treatmentI have depression and psoriasis.
Feedback on ketamine therapy for depression of a patient from Kazakhstan Aigul.
Feedback from patient Alexander (Canada) on the complex treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder
Review of the patient Anastasia (Kyiv) about the course of ketamine therapy
Patient Alexander's feedback on treating depression with ketamine psychotherapy
Feedback from patient Elena on the treatment of complex psychosomatic disorder
Review of the psychologist Katerina (Russia) about the course of ketamine therapy
Video review Patients Anna, Kyiv.
Video-review of the patient Tatyana S., Chernigov
Doctor Vladislav Matrenitsky literally pulled me out of the hole. In the summer I was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis and the sessions with the doctor helped me get stronger, accept reality, join the fight and win. Thank you
We would like to thank Vladislav Leontyevich, Oleg Vladimirovich and Viktor Alexandrovich for helping our family. My husband and I came to the EXPIO center after a long period of stress, which affected our health. It was especially hard for my husband. Having assessed the situation, Vladislav Leontievich began with a thorough examination. Viktor Alexandrovich made appointments that improved the functioning of the brain and nervous system. And Vladislav Leontyevich took up the elimination of the consequences of prolonged stress. Oleg Vladimirovich, who has vast experience as a resuscitator, performed all the manipulations.
In just a month, the seemingly impossible was done - it turned out to restore the state of peace of mind of our family, in any other place it would have taken much more time. But, most importantly, I managed to see a problem that could manifest itself only after a long time - a predisposition to Alzheimer's disease. It was possible to detect long before the appearance of clinical changes. This is the uniqueness of the situation, we are warned in advance! And if so, it is possible to push back as far as possible the consequences of catastrophic changes in this disease. Unique methods of restoring mental health, the highest qualifications of doctors and simply human qualities have made them simply indispensable - there are no alternatives. There is no doubt that we will continue to apply to this center. Thank you!
I went through a course of [ketamine] therapy at Expio with Vladislav Leontyevich, I am extremely pleased with the result, which is most surprising - the timing - a very significant result in the shortest period! I recommend it to anyone who decides to take care of themselves!)
Turning to this Center for help, I realized that we ourselves are free to choose how we live: unhappy and in illness, or wonderful and healthy. and V.L. Matrenitsky perfectly helped me to “catch” this simple truth and go in the right direction. It became easier to live when I understood the nature and causes of diseases, and then decided to say goodbye to them. There will always be questions to yourself, the main thing is to find answers in time and in your right mind, which helped me a lot. If you are in a difficult life situation, do not hesitate to contact the experts. A sensitive and professional doctor with psychological / physiological problems is the key to our health. Here, in EXPIO, they are exactly like that. Take care of yourself and your life.
My life was divided into BEFORE and AFTER I attended the sessions of Dr. Matrenitsky. For most of my conscious life, I lived with a background state of sadness, which immediately disappeared thanks to the professional and advanced practice of the doctor. Very grateful and would recommend to anyone who wants to improve their lives
I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors of the center. Thanks to the ketamine sessions, I felt much better: my nervousness and irritability disappeared irrevocably, the level of internal anxiety dropped significantly and is no longer a problem. There was a daily feeling of calm confidence, courage in the elections, it became easier to sincerely rejoice at simple things, to notice the good.
Separately, I want to note that it is better to combine ketamine therapy itself with traditional areas of psychotherapy - the effect is much deeper and more stable, since it is possible to realize your own contribution to how you organize your life, and thanks to ketamine, accelerate the effect.
I wish the center a long fruitful work, what you are doing greatly improves the quality of life. It's good that it's available in Ukraine. Thank you!
Many thanks to Vladislav Leontievich Matrenitsky, a wonderful professional and person. With his help, she found a long-forgotten calmness, learned to perceive difficult life situations not so tragically and come to a state of inner balance. I realized that my many years of experience, habitual reactions to what is happening around, lead to nothing but self-destruction. Thanks to Vladislav Leontyevich, there was a start of a “reset”, a rethinking and reassessment of what for many years was perceived as the norm (although it really interfered with a happy life). Thank you.
I went to different psychotherapists for 7 years, trying to cure my anxiety disorder. But she was really able to deal with the problem only with the help of ketamine therapy in Expio. It took me 5 sessions to resolve the issue. A few months later, anxiety never overcame me. And if it appeared, then I independently and quickly coped with it. Thank you for helping me become calm and taught me to enjoy life!
I want to leave my review, it won’t be short) Three years ago, my hell began, it was abdominal pain that no doctor could determine or cure ((Gynecologists, gastroenterologists, tests, MRI, ultrasound, colonoscopies, it’s clear that someday they found, prescribed a mountain of medicines and let them go home for treatment (
Sadly, nothing helped, I called an ambulance to myself every week, begged the doctors to find something else and help me get rid of these pains. It lasted for about a year! It’s scary to remember, the last ambulance took me away, I remember lying on the seventh floor and told myself that if they don’t find anything with me, I will jump out of the window !!! And so the gynecologist came up in the morning, looked at me and said drink gedosepam, and then I will talk to you! Yes, as it turned out, there was a problem, I did a laparoscopy, the issue was resolved, safely! After everything I had experienced, I was so exhausted, mentally and physically, that it’s scary to remember! After half a year, events happen in my family that demanded the maximum from me, I also solved these questions that were related to life or death! But then I realized that I hadn’t broken down yet, but I was close to it (And I didn’t have to wait long, two months later I had my first panic attack, they happened more and more often, insomnia, terrible anxiety, and I spent a month in this carousel, Started researching this!
And so I turned to Vladislav Leontievich for help, and I realized that this is the most useful doctor! We began to deal with my problem thoroughly, my brains had to be set for a long time (three months)! Firstly, I realized that with me, it’s already easier, then they worked on eliminating problems, the doctor showed how it could be different, showed the tools that I use to this day! If someone has read and understood what I mean, believe me, if it seems to you that you need to go to a psychotherapist, then it doesn’t seem to you! I am immensely grateful to Vladislav Leontievich! And by the way, I coped with my problems without medication, for which I am also grateful!
A unique center for modern ketamine therapy in Ukraine. Safe and effective treatment. I've been here for three months and the results are amazing. I regret one thing - that I did not get here many years earlier.
Nowadays, people, without realizing it, are subject to regular stress at almost every step. Yes, there are a lot of advisers around who trumpet its harm. The problem is that people are not taught to cope with it and we don’t really understand its nature. I want to thank Vladislav Leontievich for teaching me how to identify stressful situations and showing me the tools on how to work with them, preventing the accumulation of chronic stress. Moreover, his book “The Carcinogenic Mind” provides a scientific explanation of the biochemical processes in the body and reveals the concept of distress affecting the somatization of diseases. During one of the psychotherapy sessions, my Self showed me in a whirlwind, oversaturated with events (it seems that I found myself in a whirlwind called “Stress”). In the process of working with this image, the little man found himself near the vortex in a calm state and, in my opinion, this is an excellent achievement. I admit that life events have ceased to be so important and exciting and a state of harmony and peace has appeared inside. Thank you for your work!
Tatiana T.,
I want to express my deep gratitude for what you do!!! Thanks to you, my life has been transformed, it has become deeper, more conscious, brighter and, of course, happier. During psychotherapy with ketamine, I plunged into the world of “myself,” which I had not previously known and only touched with the edge of consciousness. I went on a real journey, where you are a guide who knows the path and all the traps that we ourselves build. Thank you for your contribution to the lives of everyone who has walked part of their journey with you?
Alexey Sh.,
Good afternoon, I would like to once again thank Vladislav Leontyevich for his work done with my internal anxiety and imbalance in relation to the social structure. Before that I changed a couple of “specialists”, the result was not satisfactory. I contacted Leontievich for the first time, completed the course and after that the taste for life returned. Saying thank you is nothing to say. Vladislav Leontievich, thank you for existing, I bow to your experience and practice.
In April 2019, [while being treated for cancer], I decided to undergo ketamine therapy for depression, because... A very serious shock occurred in my life, a very dearly loved person left me. As a result, I was left alone with the diagnosis, loneliness and depression. Realizing that depression is one of the causes of cancer, I completed a two-week course of therapy. The result inspired me to take further action. To find a way out of the current situation. Something changed inside... I would call it a push. But she still stubbornly continued to search for a savior. I admit that I was running away from myself, dealing with matters and issues not related to recovery. At some point it dawned on me that I was walking, but I was going in the wrong direction. And I went back to ketamine therapy in December 2019. It was a week-long course. After that, perhaps it all just began! The effect in my case was with a lag of about a month and a half. Then it ROCKED!!!! Strength and motivation appeared. The concept “TREAT ME” has been replaced with “I AM RECOVERING”, and these are two diametrically opposed poles of perception of the problem. Finally, an understanding of how to love and accept yourself and the world has become available. BUT!!! I am ready to repeat again and again that WORK ON YOURSELF plays a colossal importance and a decisive role in recovery!!!! I ASK EVERYONE WHO HAS READ THIS TO WAKE UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. DON'T CLOSED YOUR EYES TO THE PROBLEM. AND GO TO YOURSELF AND YOUR RECOVERY!
I would like to thank Vladislav Leontyevich for his invaluable gift. This gift is FAITH that we ourselves can do a lot, the main thing is to want to take the path of change and have perseverance and perseverance to follow it.
Elena L.,
I took a course of online psychotherapy with Vladislav Leontyevich Matrenitsky. This is daily, sometimes painstaking work on oneself. I still adhere to the tips and techniques that I received during psychotherapy, and they are very helpful in stressful situations. Working with such a specialist is very useful, as it completely changes your attitude towards yourself – towards body and soul, towards the world and illness. It’s good that there is an opportunity to work at a distance and really have a result that completely changes your life - fundamental attitudes, self-awareness and well-being.
Yerevan, Armenia
I would like to leave a review of gratitude for the help provided to me in solving life’s problems. For six months I experienced depression, irritability, lack of joy and other positive emotions, and lost interest in work. In short, I was severely depressed.
I contacted a specialist for the first time, since I myself was no longer able to cope with the current situation. Firstly, Vladislav Leontievich is not only an excellent specialist, but also a person who will win you over from the very first second. This was very important for me, since it is very difficult to open up and tell a stranger about your problem. Secondly, very interesting methods have been proposed as therapy, as a result of which a person learns to monitor and control all processes in his body. Therefore, I want to thank you again for your professionalism and dedication, my health has improved significantly, I will continue to work on myself!
Alina B.,
I turned to Dr. Vladislav Matrenitsky in the fall of 2012 during his stay in Estonia. I asked him to heal my long-standing chronic health problem. We had one meeting in person and several subsequent sessions via Skype.
What changed in my life after this? My attitude to the events that caused the disease. I saw them from a different perspective and now they no longer hurt me. I also found the source of my energy that was lost due to my injustice and self-pity associated with this disease.
Why do I recommend this type of treatment to other people? You have a great chance to change the way you see your problem. I personally had a very narrow view of my illness. Now, after experiencing transpersonal healing, my health has improved significantly.
Tallinn, Estonia
Когда ты слышишь диагноз рак, сложно передать словами свои ощущения. Тебя мучают миллионы вопросов и страхов от «неужели это конец» до «нет я не проиграю эту битву». Задавая себе так много вопросов, я стала искать не только онколога, который начал бы мое лечение, но и специалистов, которые помогли бs мне разобраться со всеми страхами и вопросами в голове. И в этот момент подруга посоветовала обратить внимание на программу «Антирак». Изучив информацию про эту программу и вообще все, что касается психоонкологии, я рискнула пройти ее. И я не только не пожалела об этом, я счастлива, что на моем пути встретились такие специалисты как Владислав Матреницкий, Дмитрий Гаплевский и Татьяна Гончаренко, они были со мной рядом весь путь от начала лечения до такого заветного – «здорова». Проходя эту программу, я ответила на многие вопросы, которые меня мучили так много лет, разрешила свои внутренние проблемы и стала на новый путь – путь жить по праву – я имею право, а не я должна. Благодаря таким специалистам и их уникальной программе я поверила всей душой в себя и свое исцеление, переосмыслила всю свою жизнь, отпустила те глупые обиды, которые много лет тихо уничтожали меня и обрела понимание, что болезнь не приходит просто так – этому есть причины, которые лежат намного глубже, чем нам иногда кажется. Лечить следствие без причины — это утопия и путь в бездну, еще великий философ Сократ писал «Нет телесной болезни отдельно от души». Это уникальная программа и поверьте, мне есть с чем сравнивать, я была и у психоонкологов, которых мне рекомендовали в онкоклиниках, и у других психологов, которых мне рекомендовали. Я очень благодарна, что в моей жизни появились такие специалисты, которые не просто поддерживали меня, а помогли найти и исцелить причину болезни, а не только ее следствие. Вы пробудили меня и из вечно жалеющего себя человека, я превратилась в уверенного, здорового, живущего полной и радостной жизнью человека. И теперь я знаю, все в наших руках и даже если станет тяжел,о Вы всегда рядом и готовы подставить свое плечо!!!
If you really want to live a full and healthy life, you should come to Vladislav Matrenitsky and it is your choice, to live or survive!!!
Separately, I would like to talk about my experience with ketamine therapy. It's difficult for me to find words to describe my feelings. This is an incredibly cool thing when you can look into the very depths of yourself and, under the competent guidance of a specialist, face the pain that you carefully store for some reason. Of course, ketamine therapy is not a panacea or a magic pill, but it is a powerful boost. After undergoing therapy, you already understand that you will not run away, it helps not only to see yourself in the present, it gives strength and motivation to move forward. After the next session of ketamine therapy, it was as if I woke up, I felt with every cell of my body that I was shifting responsibility for my life to anyone but myself, but you need to take responsibility for yourself and then only you decide, your day will be bright or dark. After all, it depends only on us how we perceive things, how we react to circumstances, and how we feel is all our responsibility for ourselves. And after this realization “flooded” my life, miracles began, and they concerned not only my health, but all areas of my life. I don’t know how to put into words the sensations that I felt... it’s as if you haven’t breathed for a long time and here comes your first breath into full lungs.
Tatiana V.,
Vladislav Leontiyovych's personal experience of treating depression
After the operation to straighten the nasal septum, he fell into a deep depression. So deep that he almost shortened his age.
It was advised to contact a psychotherapist.
I obeyed. Having absolutely no experience and understanding of these matters, he failed the first two attempts. He fell into the ranks of ignorant dilettantes. Perhaps they are not bad, positive people. Maybe even, they sincerely tried to help me. But when you work with sick souls, you can't tinker...
One of them, realizing after two sessions that nothing was going to work, offered to be hospitalized at the hospital on Frunze. Yes, yes, Pavlova is a fool. Voluntarily. Behind the bars under the aminazine to get out as a vegetable. Helped well ... gathered things and said goodbye. But I lost time and money for 2 sessions.
It was the same with the second. When they both tried to put me in a trance... They tried as if they were unloading coal cars.
I completely fell into longing and lazily searched the Internet. Accidentally came across the Institute of Vladyslav Leontiyovych. His advertising is so-so. Why, I understood later. He does not need advertising. A professional always has a queue of clients who came by recommendation. Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising. And he is not worth a penny. It is only used by professionals who do their job above all praise.
However, about everything in order.
The Institute of Vladyslav Leontiyovych mainly works with people suffering from depression due to oncology. I thought... However, everything is not so scary for me. If they can deal with SUCH cases, they should definitely help me. I was not wrong.
Impressed from the very first contact.
I arranged a consultation with Mr. Vladyslav, he came at the appointed time. Sat down in the corridor under the office and right under the sign "Quiet! A psychotherapist is working" began to talk very loudly on the phone. Considering my condition, this is perhaps forgivable. But right outside the door, in a chair, a person plunged into a trance... I am a pig.
The doctor came out of the office. And with a gesture he asked me to step aside.
I am a scoop. I perceive any pressure, orders and the like quite concretely. The hair on the nape of the neck immediately stands on end. And being depressed, he could well respond with rudeness.
But... Mr. Vladyslav did it like this... He gestured to me to leave - yes... I, surprising myself, obeyed with pleasure.
I have a traditional orientation. I love girls very much. To trembling in the knees. But Mr. Vladyslav... I have never met a nicer person in my life. And I am a trader, I work with people, I communicated without exaggeration with thousands of people.
You understand what kind of thing. You may have had an appointment with a gastroenterologist with clear signs of an ulcer or gastritis. Or at a dermatologist with white-bluish hard bumpy skin. Or at a nutritionist's weight per centner... Well, what trust is there in such a doctor?!
A person, in particular, a doctor, cannot share what he himself is lacking.
So, Vladyslav Leontiyovych is a surprisingly healthy person physically, mentally and emotionally. It is harmonious. Then I directly asked - are you happy? Leontiyovych laughed and said - yes... Mr. Vladyslav radiates this inner harmony. Transmits to the outside. Generously shares it with patients. It is calm and joyful next to him. Very cool.
Now I am almost 100% adequate (a third of the treatment is still ahead). And in the first visit... In general, I was ready to lay a rug near the office door and live here. Now it is very clear to me why patients of psychotherapists become attached to them.
On the first day, Mr. Vladyslav interviewed me. I babbled something about payment. He said - well, tomorrow, and today you are in such a state, you can't handle it yourself, you can't be let go. I will now put you in a trance and calm you down a bit.
Remembering my first two experiences, I smiled. But it was pronounced like this... I immediately BELIEVED that he would succeed.
Sat down in a chair... And everything worked out.
Trance is when the subconscious is more than the conscious, and the doctor communicates with the patient's subconscious. And your consciousness is working at this time, only it is on the sidelines, somewhere on the edge. The subconscious mind answers the doctor's questions not with your tone, not with your voice (but it's still YOU!). And consciousness looks at all this with its mouth open in surprise and silently shouts "NO SHIT!!!!".
I cried so much at the first session... I won't talk about the reasons, it's deeply personal. But Leontiyovych said - everything is fine. Everything that happens is valuable. I was really relieved even from the first time.
I did not believe that this was possible with me. I didn't believe it would work. So, everything works for professionals.
Then everything was even cooler and more wonderful. Only I sit down in the magic chair, and I'm already half in a trance. I feel better every day.
In the program that I am going through, there are 12 psychotherapy sessions, 6 sessions of electropsychotherapy (influence of currents on the brain, the author's development of Vladyslav Leontiyovych) and 5 sessions of body-oriented therapy. She is led by another doctor, an absolutely incredible young man.
Body-oriented therapy is also a unique experience for me. Deep things that I will happily work on for many months. It's definitely about me. It will definitely help, it already does. Cool, efficient, effective.
I remember very well in what condition I came to the doctor. A crying, bent, broken man. I did not see any prospects in life. Nothing interested. Nothing pleased.
Now, a third of the way to the end of the course, I feel 99% normal. Not 100%... You know, I just don't believe that this magic, this miracle happened. I can't write "completely healthy", my hand does not rise after what happened to me. Maybe completely.
I am gradually resuming exercise. Attacks of longing disappeared without a trace. I smile, clumsily try to joke. I chase girls. I am making plans for the future. I finally got down to work in my business properly and am planning another project in parallel. And the main thing for me is joy, simple joys have returned to my life. I can be happy again...
In short. I know for sure - many people suffer from depression. They are winning. Maybe, like I once did, they think that going to a psychotherapist is to lose weight.
Well, your choice. I wouldn't have managed it myself, maybe I wouldn't have lived. And now I don't just exist - I live a full life.
Dear Vladyslav Leontiyovych, I am your debtor forever. I will pray for you forever.
Thank you! THANK YOU!!!
Volodymyr Pushkaruk,
It so happened that I went through surgery for kidney cancer.
Despite the fact that I myself am a psychiatrist by profession, the news of such a diagnosis brings little joy, I think many will agree with this. But what to do, the stage has been passed, and then we have to live. And here comes a period when you begin to listen to yourself, your body, and look for signs of a new danger. Those who have gone through this, I think will agree with me that this is a very difficult period. Those who know about your problem are trying to clumsily support you, those who don’t know cannot understand what’s wrong with you, saying: “You are somehow SO and NOT SO at the same time.” Someone at this stage gives up, withdraws, withdraws into himself, and begins running towards nowhere. Someone starts to rush, someone gets angry, someone leaves this world, someone continues to fight, no matter what... Yes, in fact, as many people, so many reactions. Everyone has their own grief and their own truth.
This is where the question arises: to be supported by a team of specialists who will help you find answers to questions, who will help you stop in this race to nowhere, who will help you find yourself, step over the disease and move on - into LIFE!
In this matter, I consider myself very lucky that I learned about the center and attended the presentation of Vladislav Leontyevich’s book “The Carcinogenic Mind.” And I am very grateful to the higher powers and my caring friend who brought me here.
If there had been no problem, I don’t know if I would have heard, and most importantly, I would have come here. Life is filled with many things that seem important, work and the topic of cancer took up a lot of time, and it resonated somewhere on the outskirts of consciousness, but everything was put off until later. “Then I’ll have time to read, I’ll get into it,” you think, and put it off until later, but don’t do it. As a psychiatrist, I was concerned about this issue, because people come to me with different problems and I need to find not just a word of consolation for everyone, but also to help as much as possible with their problems.
But, as in the proverb: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
I was ready to accept new knowledge and, most importantly, not just accept it, but also concretely apply it in practice in my life.
These are amazing people, those who worked with me and continue to support me. I am grateful to them for their help and work with me. To the director of the center Vladislav Leontyevich, body-oriented psychotherapist Leonid Morozov, art therapist Lyudmila Galitsina, Liu Chang and master Feng Shao I. I repeat once again - these are amazing people!
They don’t just work in their place, but delve into the very essence of the problem, helping to look at yourself from the outside, to reach the depths of your deepest fears, problems, stress, personal crises, to see your real self, without embellishment, with your complexes, and find a way to a new, healthy, joyful, creative person.
They help you find what may be the only individual path to health. And most importantly, having coped with the internal crisis, they give recommendations for further development and personal growth, teach methods of self-knowledge and methods of working on stress. Working as a team, approaching the problem in a multifaceted way, not from the position of a sick cell, but from the position of a person, as an open dynamic system interacting with the world, finding primary causes, and eliminating consequences in all areas of life - family, work, “I”, hobbies, and etc.
An unexpected and joyful bonus of the program was the disappearance of asthma, which I had suffered from for the last four years. In the third week of therapy V.L. determined that my health had improved so much that I no longer needed the inhaler I used daily. Not without fear, I stopped using it that same day - and still don’t use it to this day!
Always in a person’s life, after going through some difficult period, there is “life before” and there is “life after.” Before and after cancer, stroke, heart attack, divorce, death of a loved one, etc. Having completed a course of rehabilitation and personal transformation at the center, I can confidently say that my “life after” is a life in which there is no mad race to nowhere, the program for self-destruction has gone, and I have a team of family people who understand me, and They can always help in creating a new me, free from illness!
Thank you for being!!!
Alexander Artyukh,
I had depression for four years. I was prescribed so many antidepressants! Some didn’t help at all, others made me feel better for a while, and then depression hit me again. I decided to try the “maximum” program at the Expio center (I liked their idea of an integrated approach). And indeed, thanks to Vladislav Leontyevich and his team, I figured out the causes of my illness and freed myself from old experiences, and ketamine therapy immediately reduced my mental pain. A course of transcranial electrotherapy helped to calm down and restore a state of balance. It’s hard to say which helped more, I think it’s all together. Anxiety has decreased significantly and insomnia has gone away. Overall I am very pleased, I am now in my second month after treatment and I still feel good. I hope it stays that way!
Anna M.,
Hello, Vladislav!
I want to say about my deep impression and gratitude after meeting you. There are no words to express my feelings. It seems to me that through your voice I have somehow come into contact with the “source of humanity” and the depths of my “I”. I am still under the influence of your healing session...
Stockholm, Sweden
I came to the "Anti-Cancer" program knowingly, you could say, I was looking for it. And although it seemed that I understood a lot about myself, especially about the causes of my illness, when I started to get acquainted with Vladyslav Matrenytskyi's book, it became clear to me that there is still a lot of work to do. 11 years ago, I had a kidney with carcinoma removed. Thanks to God and those people who convinced me that I was healthy, I overcame that depression. She got married, gave birth to a daughter. And as if everything was fine, then they discovered a neoplasm close to the place where the kidney was.
I started working with experienced specialists in my field, real professionals who are united by the goal of helping people who have faced a difficult challenge in life. I am very grateful to them for strengthening my faith in healing, for giving me tools that help healing, for obtaining much-needed strength and resources, for helping me better understand myself and my needs, which, by the way, in my case, mostly remained unsatisfied. Frankly, I was afraid of the end of the work, but this is where the main healing mechanism is hidden.
You have been taught, but no one will walk this path for you. You need to live now, enjoy life, be grateful for the fact that you have the opportunity to change, be happy, living every day, and not wait for you to be cured by cutting out a tumor, irradiating, etc.
And I still feel the support of Vladyslav, Lyudmila and Leonid, and I know that I can turn to them for help. And this is also very important. I wish everyone health and inspiration to live!
Oksana P.,
Thank you for the treatment you gave me! Only now did I realize how much my health had suffered due to conflicts with my mother. Now I eat almost everything, but a couple of months ago I could only eat baby food!
Oslo, Norway
I came to the “Anti-Cancer” course because during the course of radiotherapy I read the book “The Carcinogenic Mind” and saw myself, as in a mirror, in the portrait of a potential cancer patient described there. I decided to try to get to know myself, learn to explain my reactions - and ultimately manage my stress. Despite my extreme practicality, I really liked the course. After a month, I became more sensitive to my reactions and emotions. The ultimate goal is to eliminate the possibility of relapse. Of course, one month is not enough, self-knowledge is a difficult process and beginners need to go through it under the strict guidance of a master. Vladislav and his team are masters of this business.
When checking my health status by Israeli doctors, two weeks after the end of the Anti-Cancer program, they noted with satisfaction that there was zero residual symptoms of the disease. In other words, I'm healthy!
Yuriy Lutsenko,
I often think back to a therapy appointment I had in December 2015. It brought me the understanding that I am on the right path, although I don’t yet know exactly what that path is. It inspires me and brings peace to my soul. Periodically, I feel an echo of your therapy in my body, and this awakens impulses of movement that stretch my back and neck, and also creates an impulse to sing, and this sound resonates in the heart and throat. Sometimes I feel like I've been reborn.
Surprisingly, several things happened that were supposed to happen, although I did nothing about it. And I am learning to trust, believe and forgive!
Bad Wursach, Germany