Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

Tel. +380 7373 080 88

Ketamine therapy - refuting false information about the Expio center

In July 2019, “hot news” appeared on the yellow pages of the Internet about the illegal use of ketamine therapy by the Expio center. Without understanding the essence of the issue, unscrupulous journalists hastened to label us “scammers”, “fake medical center”, etc., using the erroneous publication of the State Service of Ukraine.

In this regard, we consider it necessary to state the following.

The publication of the State Medical Service of Ukraine appeared as a result of incomplete information that occurred on our websites. The EXPIO Center is a service mark (analogous to a trademark), and the legal entity to which a license was issued for the right to carry out economic activities in the circulation of narcotic drugs is FOP V. L. Matrenitsky.

Although the use of a trademark or service mark other than the name of a legal entity is a standard business practice, reflecting this fact on our websites would allow us to avoid misunderstandings, since when checking the websites by the State Service of Ukraine, they did not find the Expio Center in the register of licensees.

We have now corrected this deficiency. License availability can be checked online using the advanced search in licensing database of the State Service for Lexical Surgery, by entering the surname Matrenytskyi in the field "Name of business entity".

In January 2020, the State Medical Service commission conducted a scheduled inspection of our activities, which confirmed the legality and correctness of the use of ketamine in our medical practice (inspection report No. 17/1610 dated January 21, 2020).