Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

Tel. +380 7373 080 88

The elimination of the dominant disease, including oncodominants, is the main task of our treatment program and the know-how of the methodology of Dr. V. L. Matrenitsky.

The psychophysiological dominant is a temporarily dominant reflex that ensures satisfaction of the main, i.e. dominant, needs. All other needs turn out to be secondary, and the reflex activity corresponding to them becomes suppressed.

At the physiological level, the dominant corresponds to a focus of excitation in the central nervous system, which includes various nerve centers. It attracts waves of excitation from various sources of the body and is the basis of acts of attention and objective thinking.

The doctrine of the dominant was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the outstanding Soviet scientist A. A. Ukhtomsky. In our time, the reality of the formation of a new dominant in the cerebral cortex and, on its basis, an alternative psychophysiological functional system was experimentally demonstrated in the clinic of neurosis in St. Petersburg in the study of psychogenic disorders.

One of the main dominants is the dominant of health. In situations of severe and traumatic stress and psychotrauma, it can be lost, and a person will find himself in a transitional, non-dominant state, without a purpose of existence, at the mercy of everyday subdominants. In fact, it becomes a chronic debilitating psycho-emotional stress with corresponding mental and somatic manifestations. This leads to a violation of internal homeostasis, increases the vulnerability of the body and the risk of disease.

If a person fails to effectively cope with a psychotrauma (for example, the grief of loss) or an intrapersonal conflict, find a new dominant of a life goal, return to a state of a health dominant, then a powerful pathological dominant of self-destruction in the form of a psychosomatic illness may arise in the psyche.

In the most severe cases, such a pathological functional state of the body occurs, which is characterized by the appearance of a dominant state, striving for death - the dominant of death.

The emergence of such a dominant in cancer in 2008 was discovered by scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences O. V. Bukhtoyarov and D. M. Samarin. They called it an oncological dominant. This dominant firmly takes the place of the dominant of the life goal and forms deep deformations of the psychosomatic system.

Psychogenic dominant, according to these scientists, as a rule does not disappear during traditional, somatically oriented treatment. With the appearance of “familiar” psychotraumatic stimuli, which often happens when the patient returns to his previous way of life, reactivation of the dominant is possible. This leads to recurrence of the disease.

Consequently, the successful treatment of any chronic diseases is impossible without the psychotherapeutic elimination of the dominant disease (self-destruction).

Causes of psychosomatic illnesses

Programs and cost