Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

Tel. +380 7373 080 88

Oleg Shybko

Anesthesiologist of the 1st category.

Graduated from Odessa State Medical University in 1992. He worked as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in hospitals in Kyiv for 20 years.

Dmytro Haplevskyi

Psychologist, specialist in body-oriented psychotherapy and psychosomatics

Irena Leonidivna Vasyuk

Клінічний психолог та адміністратор центра Експіо. Має ступінь магістра за програмою "клінічна психологія" та сертифікацію за навчальними програмами: "Основи психотравматології та травмофокусованої КПТ" та "Основи психіатрії у інтегративній КПТ- моделі"

Daria Shaposhnyk-Dominska

Crisis and clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, supervisor, hypnotherapist, leading specialist of the center

Artem Maratovych Koval

Psychiatrist, narcologist, psychologist. Has significant experience in diagnosing and treating depressive, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and somatoform disorders; personality disorders; other mental and behavioral disorders