Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 10.00 - 19.00.

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Ketamine treatment helped many US veterans with severe depression and PTSR

Кетамін отримує дедалі більше уваги як перспективний засіб для лікування депресії. Проте досі небагато досліджень аналізували його ефективність у реальних клінічних умовах, особливо у пацієнтів із комплексними психічними розладами.

Нове дослідження, проведене на основі даних ветеранів, які неодноразово намагалися лікувати депресію, але залишалися з важкими симптомами, показало, що курс внутрішньовенних інфузій кетаміну допоміг багатьом пацієнтам. У деяких випадках вдалося досягти навіть повної ремісії.

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Curriculum for group ketamine psychotherapy

In September of this year, a pilot complex training program of group ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, initiated by an American charitable foundation, started Heal Ukraine Trauma. Vladyslav Matrenytskyi, director of the Expio clinic, took part in the development of the program. The first group of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and clinical psychologists completed a one-month course of theoretical and practical training, including at the Expo clinic, and can now provide this therapy to their patients.

Due to the scale of the mental health crisis in Ukraine, 11 million people are projected to need psychosocial support, so solutions that maximize resources and go beyond the 1-to-1 patient-provider model are important. Due to the effectiveness and legal status of ketamine, this training will have a real impact now.

In the long term, the KAP group model may serve as a basis for psychedelic group therapy if psychedelic drugs become legally available in Ukraine. After the initial pilot project, the program will be expanded to more therapists, allowing them to expand their capacity to eventually reach thousands of people with KAP therapy.

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Neglect and gaslighting: domestic violence

How to help yourself not only to fix your own life here and now, but also to get out of the "circle of horrors".

During the last month of the operation of the "Expio" medical center, many women who have been traumatized by domestic violence have turned to our specialists, in many cases, the abusers are foreign men. Unfortunately, as a rule, abusive relationships end up with people who experienced similar things in childhood and came out of those circumstances traumatized, because then the resources (psychological, mental, physical) were not enough to overcome the troubles. In addition, this situation is reinforced from the negative side by the drama of the situation of Ukrainian women who were forced to leave the territories of hostilities and do not always have reliable support.

Ias a rule, domestic abuse is veiled. Clear examples of such "veiled" domestic violence are gaslighting and neglect. Further…

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Interview of Vladyslav Matrenytskyi with The Village online publication

How it works Is MDMA therapy necessary in Ukraine? The veteran, the "ketamine clinic" and the doctor from the Ministry of Health were questioned

Psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is a treatment for PTSD that can change the way we perceive and process traumatic events, PAT advocates believe. The therapy is carried out with the help of psychedelic drugs such as MDMA, ketamine and psilocybin and is carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists. From July, such therapy will become officially legalized in Australia, and in USA the second course of clinical studies has been completed, and approval for PAT next year is expected. "The psychedelic revolution is on the way, psychiatry may change fundamentally", - are doing accent in The New York Times. Further

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Renaissance of psychedelic therapy and its significance for Ukraine

The article by V. L. Matrenytskyi was published in the magazine Medical case. 2022, (3–4), 37–59 (downloadable PDF):


In recent decades, psychopharmacology has not been able to introduce new revolutionary drugs for psychiatry, and the classic antidepressants currently available on the market are ineffective. A new solution to these problems in medicine promises to be the second "psychedelic revolution", which has been actively developing since the beginning of this century. A number of psychedelics, including MDMA, psilocybin, DMT, and ketamine, are considered the most promising treatments. Psychedelics have the extraordinary ability to produce rapid and long-lasting changes in the structure and function of neurons and to improve the mental state of patients even after a single dose. Evidence from carefully designed and controlled studies shows that these compounds are effective for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addictions, do not cause physical dependence or withdrawal, and have very low or no incidence of serious adverse reactions such as psychotic episodes. There is an urgent need to legalize psychedelic therapy in Ukraine.

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Open lecture on female psychosomatics

November 6, 2018 at the Kyiv Public Library named after. Lesya Ukrainka had a meeting with psychotherapist, director of the Expio center, Vladislav Matrenitsky on the topic “Psychosomatics of women’s health: illness as a mirror of relationships.” A frank conversation took place about where diseases come from and how to eliminate their true causes.


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Center for Psycho-Oncology EXPIO, ANTI-CANCER Program TM and books The Carcinogenic Mind. Psychosomatic mechanisms of cancer”.

If you have any questions:

Why did cancer develop in me?

- How to get rid of the true causes of the disease?

– How can you help yourself so that the treatment becomes as effective as possible?

What can be done to prevent the disease from returning?

– How can I believe in my right to life again?

Then this meeting is for you!

The presentation will take place on Friday, March 3, at 16.00 in the conference hall of the National Scientific Medical Library at ul. Leo Tolstoy, 7 (M. "Leo Tolstoy").

Registration is required to understand the number of guests and to report in case of changes. Follow the link:

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