Принцип аудиовизуальной стимуляции (АВС) основан на активации центральной нервной системы специфическими визуальными и звуковыми сигналами. Эти сигналы по-разному влияют на мозг в зависимости от характера звуков, передаваемых наушниками, и световых сигналов, которые отображаются по всему полю зрения светодиодной маски.
Since all our sense organs (except the sense of smell) have access to the cerebral cortex through the thalamus (visual tubercles - the part of the brain responsible for the transmission of sensory and motor information from the sense organs), sensory stimulation in the form of constant, repetitive signals of a certain frequency and strength can easily influence the activity of the cerebral cortex, becoming an effective means of influencing brain activity. This effect is reflected in the change in the activity of brain waves observed on the electroencephalogram.
ABC has an effect through several mechanisms simultaneously:
1) Dissociation / hypnotic induction. This state occurs when we meditate, exercise, read a good book or enjoy pleasant music. We dive into the present moment and let go of all thoughts associated with our daily worries, worries, anxieties and unhealthy mental chatter. Dissociation, in the context of ABC, is the “disconnection” of oneself from thoughts and bodily sensations, as happens during deep meditation. As a result, a recovery effect occurs when the muscles relax, the electrodermal activity calms down, the peripheral circulation stabilizes, breathing becomes slow, and the heart rate is even and calm.
2) Stimulates the release of neurotransmitters and produces deep autonomic calm, restoring homeostasis, quickly and effectively relaxing a person in a state of psychophysiological tension with a corresponding excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is characteristic of stressful and traumatic conditions.
3) Increases glucose metabolism in the brain and increases cerebral blood flow in various areas of the brain, including frontal. This contributes to the improvement of well-being in mental disorders where there is a decrease in cerebral blood flow, such as anxiety, depression, impaired attention and behavior, as well as a weakening of cognitive functions.
The areas of application of ABC are very diverse. Clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of ABC in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, sleep and blood pressure disorders, cognitive and memory decline in the elderly, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and seasonal affective disorders, as well as pain syndromes, in particularly migraines and PMS.
Guided by the principles of integrative, holistic medicine, combining audio-visual brain stimulation with psychotherapy, infusions of ketamine and hydroxybutyrate, transcranial electrical stimulation, rehabilitation of the brain "Neurohelp", body-oriented therapy and art therapy, a significant improvement in the health of patients can be achieved.