Center of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychedelic Medicine Expio

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Archive for July 2023


Neglect and gaslighting: domestic violence

How to help yourself not only to fix your own life here and now, but also to get out of the "circle of horrors".

During the last month of the operation of the "Expio" medical center, many women who have been traumatized by domestic violence have turned to our specialists, in many cases, the abusers are foreign men. Unfortunately, as a rule, abusive relationships end up with people who experienced similar things in childhood and came out of those circumstances traumatized, because then the resources (psychological, mental, physical) were not enough to overcome the troubles. In addition, this situation is reinforced from the negative side by the drama of the situation of Ukrainian women who were forced to leave the territories of hostilities and do not always have reliable support.

Ias a rule, domestic abuse is veiled. Clear examples of such "veiled" domestic violence are gaslighting and neglect. Further…

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Male Patient With Headache In A Clinic

The impact (concepts) of treatment difficulties in depression: a review of opinions

The article "Impact (Concepts) of Depression Treatment Difficulties: A Review of Opinions" reveals the wide-ranging impact that depression treatment difficulties have on the lives and well-being of those who experience this illness. This is an opinion piece published in the journal “International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology", which enlightens us about the complexities that patients and medical professionals face in dealing with this serious condition.

The article provides insight into the challenges of treating depression that does not respond to standard therapies. It addresses the concept of treatment difficulties in depression, which encompasses situations where patients do not get relief from traditional antidepressants and other forms of treatment. This causes serious problems for patients as they may experience hopelessness, disintegration and loss of quality of life.

The article notes that the difficulties in treating depression may be due to many factors, including biological, psychological and social aspects. Be it genetic factors, chemical imbalances in the brain, or personal factors such as a history of trauma or stress, this article helps us understand that depression is a complex illness that requires an individualized approach to treatment.

Considerable attention is paid in the article to the impact of the difficulties of treating depression on the well-being of patients and their mental well-being. Patients who do not respond to standard treatments can feel excluded, forgotten, and hopeless. This can lead to worsening of depressive symptoms and increased risk of suicide. The article points to the need for understanding and support for patients with treatment difficulties, as well as the development of new approaches to the treatment of depression.

The review also examines the role of new therapeutic strategies, including the use of ketamine, in the management of treatment difficulties in depression. Ketamine, a fast-acting antidepressant, has shown promise in reducing depressive symptoms and improving mood in patients unresponsive to other treatments. This opens the door to new possibilities and advances in the treatment of depression treatment difficulties.

In conclusion, the article highlights the need for greater understanding and support for patients struggling to manage depression. She calls for further research and development of new therapeutic approaches that can change the lives of patients and bring new hope to those who have repeatedly experienced disappointment in the treatment of depression.

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